Hi there :)!
Welcome to my Gastronomical journey, where I have made an attempt to showcase all the dishes (well….more or less) that I have been cooking or baking since 2003.
I would like to thank my parents, who are
Ambe Upkari |
I would like to thank each and everyone here on my blog, who has helped me and inspired me in many ways to try out new recipes.
I started designing this blog when a few of my friends started mentioning the spectrum of dishes that I was trying out and how it needs to reach people. Friends who say, I am coming over for simple comfort food, to friends who would just come over and say, I need this :)
I would also like to stretch my arms with a big hug to those friends, who are my punch bags…who will say, yeah it's nice, but maybe you should change or alter the taste [yeah, maybe diplomatic enough to say……you need to improvise on this] …and friends who would say, hey, try this out and tweak it a little.
I would like to thank a few bloggers and food sites who have inspired me to become a better chef! I hope you enjoy my tasteful journey, as much as I did blogging it :)